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Refund FAQ's



The terms of our refund policy are clearly defined below. Your acceptance of these terms is included within the event waiver that you acknowledged when registering for any of our events:


  • Each event has its own refund structure consisting of the following: 75% refunds, 50% refunds, and 25% refunds. After a specified date there will be no refunds. Please refer to each of the events FAQ’s under "Refunds".

  • For administrative errors on your part or a change of mind, no refund applies.

  • In a situation where you experience an unexpected illness or injury, a medical certificate is REQUIRED. The medical certificate will need to be sent through to with a brief explanation. We will review your email. Your refund isn’t guaranteed.

  • A family grievance.


We will not refund your entry for any other reason so please don't phone us or email us. In most cases we can hold your entry fee to the following year or transfer your entry into another event which will require you to pay the difference (if it costs more). If it costs less, we refund the difference. All transfers come with a $5 admin fee.


Please email




The terms of our cancellation policy are clearly defined in the event waiver you accepted and acknowledge prior to registering. Your acceptance of these terms is included within the event waiver that you acknowledged when registering for any of our events. Each event has it's own unique cancellation policy.


You can email to get a copy of the waiver. 


Why can't I get all my money back?


In the event of a cancellation depending on where we are in terms of the planning phase, money has already been spent. Normally, if we are to cancel, it would be fairly close to the event, and in that case about 60-70% of costs have already incurred well before race week begins. There are staff costs (wages), purchasing  equipment, marketing, accommodation (in some cases), clothing, medals, race bibs.... the list goes on.


The big 'hidden' (because you will never see them) costs are associated with health and safety compliance, operational planning, people planning, landowner access etc. This can (and do) add up to hundreds of hours of work.


Transferring to another distance within the same event


  • Please email with a brief explanation of your distance transfer request.

  • You cannot transfer to a sold-out event distance.

  • If you decide to upgrade your distance and space is available, you will need to pay the difference of the current entry fees.

  • If you decide to downgrade your event distance and space is available, we are not able to refund the difference in entry fees.

  • All transfers incur a $5.00 admin fee.


Race Numbers


  • When transferring between distances you will be allocated a new race number. Race numbers are generally coloured differently to allow us to easily identify which distance you are participating in.

  • If race numbers have been ordered before your request to upgrade or downgrade (your distance) is made, then you will be charged $5 for a new one.

  • If race numbers have not been ordered, then your new race number will be free.

  • Generally, race numbers are ordered 24 days prior to the event.


Deferrals & Event-to-Event Transfers




Person-to-Person Transfers




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